Shop and Establishment Registration

  • Free Professional Consulting
  • Online Registration Assistance
  • Serve Clients all over in Kerala
  • Registration Certificate within seven days
  • Registration at Rs. 3,500/-
  • Labour compliance assistance in Kerala


    Shop and Commercial Establishment

    Labour License’s are statutory license mandatory applicable for establishments to ensure the welfare of the employees in that Organizations. The important aims and objectives of the Labour registrations are maintenance of peaceful atmosphere in the labour sector as a whole; decent working conditions and improved quality of life to the workers; ensure co-operation and healthy relation between the employers and the employees; systematic implementation of the various labour laws throughout the State; enhancing social security coverage of workers through better Labour policies, Schemes and programmes etc. Among the various act come under the Labour Departments of the concerned state governments, every commercial establishments must register under Shop and Commercial Establishments Act 1960. It is a basic requirement for all business enterprises who appoint employees in that establishment. This license is also known as Gumasta License, Shop Act License and Shop Act Registration in various locations in India.

    “Every commercial or industrial or trading or banking or insurance establishment, an establishment or administrative service in which the persons employed are mainly engaged in office work, hotel, restaurant, boarding or eating house, cafe or any other refreshment house, a theatre or any other place of public amusement or entertainment and includes such other establishment as the Government may, by notification in the Gazette, declare to be a commercial establishment for the purposes of this Act, but does not include a factory to which all or any of the provisions of the Factories Act, 1948 (Central Act 63 of 1948).”

    Every Commercial Establishment other than factories mandatory register under Shop and Establishment Act 1960. This registration is compulsory for all business establishment, even if it is an office, must apply for online license issued by the labour department of the concerned State. Such establishment apply for license within 60 days of sanction of Trade License issued by the Panchyat, Municipal Corporation or Municipality. Trade license registration is mandatory requirement for register under Shop and Establishment License. The applicant must apply for shop act license with the Trade Name mentioned in the D & O Trade License issued by the LSGD. Both these license must obtain by all the establishments before starting any commercial operations or appointing an employee. These license are applicable for all kind of organizations like Sole Proprietorships, Partnership Firms, Private Limited Companies, LLP, Trust and Societies etc.

    Documents required for Shop & Establishment Registration in Kerala

    1. Id proof of the Applicant

    2. Address proof of the Applicant

    3. PAN of Business

    4. Trade License Registration of Applicant

    5. Rent Agreement  / Office Address Proof

    6. Partnership Deed

    7. Certificate of Incorporation

    8. MOA / AOA

    9. D & O License / Trade License

    How Labour Registration Certificate renew ?

    An application for the renewal of a registration certificate granted under Shop and Commercial Establishment Act 1960, (also known as labour registration renewal) shall be made at least thirty days before the expiry of the period mentioned in the License, in Kerala the renewal period is the month of November; For the purpose of renewal of labour license the applicant must file an online application along with the prescribed fees. The late filing of application must charge a fine calculated as per number of late days. At the time of renewal we must update the details of all employees presently working the establishment.

    Kerala Labour Welfare Fund (KLWF)

    Kerala Labour Welfare fund is for promoting the welfare of labour’s and certain other matters connected herewith in the State of Kerala. It will come under the preview of  THE KERALA LABOUR WELFARE FUND ACT, 1975. Every Establishment registered under shop and establishment act 1960 come under the scope of labour welfare fund and must contribute for the Fund. Any person who is employed for hire or receive any remuneration for any work done in an establishment by working a period not less than 30 days during the preceding twelve months eligible for labour welfare fund deduction. Both the employee and employer must contribute to the Fund. This fund will be utilized for the benefits of the members in Labour Welfare Fund. Every member who required the benefit of fund must file an application to Labour Welfare Board


    Kerala Labour Welfare Fund Contribution Rate

    The contribution rate applicable for different State Governments may variable as per the rules of the concerned States. The contribution rate applicable at the State of Kerala is given below. 

    Each Member has to donate a membership fee of Rs 20 per month. Every Employer contribute an amount of Rs 20/- per month for each employee.

    Each self employed person should pay an amount of Rs 40/- per month, which includes 20 rupees Member subscription and 20 rupees Employers subscription.

    The Employer will have to pay both the employee contribution and employer contribution to the Board.The self employee will remit subscription by himself.Employer as well as self employee can remit subscription in advance from 6 months to one year.



    Get assistance to apply forShop and Establishment Registration

    Shop & Establishment Registration Pricing Plans

    Plan 1
    Rs. 3,500/- (gst extra)

    Applicable for all business includes proprietor, partnership firms, company and LLP. Exclusive of all government fees and taxes. Package includes Shop and Establishment License only.

    Plan 2
    Rs. 6,500/- (gst extra)

    Applicable for all business includes proprietor, partnership firms, company and LLP. Exclusive of all government fees and taxes. Package includes Shop and Establishment License & Labour Welfare Fund Registration only.

    Plan 3
    Rs. 12,000/- (gst extra)

    Applicable for all business includes proprietor, partnership firms, company and LLP. Enclusive of all government fees and taxes. Yearly Compliance Plan, Monthly Challan Payment of LWF, New employee Addition and Annual Renewal of Shop and Establishment License.