ESI Return Filing

  • Free Professional Consultation
  • Online ESI Return Filing
  • ESI Challan Payment assistance
  • Serve clients all over in India
  • ESI Calculation compliance assistance
  • Due date for ESI Return is 15th of next month


    ESI Return Filing

    Employees State Insurance Scheme (ESIC) being contributory in nature, all the employees in the factories or establishments to which the Act applies shall be insured in a manner provided by the Act. The contribution payable to the Corporation in respect of an employee shall comprise of employer’s contribution and employee’s contribution at a specified rate. The rates are revised from time to time. The Central Government reduced the ESI Contribution from 6.5 % to 4 %, and applicable from July 01, 2019. Currently, the employee’s contribution rate (w.e.f. July 01, 2019) is .75% ( 1.75% )of the wages and that of employer’s is 3.25% ( 4.75% ) of the wages paid/payable in respect of the employees in every wage period. For newly implemented areas, the contribution rate is 1% of wages of Employee and 3% payable by Employers for first 24 months(w.e.f. 06.10.2016) Employees in receipt of a daily average wage upto Rs.137/- are exempted from payment of contribution. Employers will however contribute their own share in respect of these employees.

    Are you interested in a detailed price quote for ESI Return FIling

    ESI Return Filing Plans

    Plan 1
    Rs. 1,500/- (GST Extra)


    Applicable to individuals, partnership firms, company & llp having number of employees less than 40. ESI Return only, Monthly Charges

    Plan 2
    Rs. 2,750/- (GST Extra)


    Applicable to individuals, partnership firms, company & llp having number of employees less than 40. Both ESI & EPF Return, Monthly Charges

    Plan 3
    Not Applicable


    Applicable to individuals, partnership firms, company & llp  having employees more than 40. Price is negotiable and includes ESI & EPF Returns.